About us
What Cease Can Do
Prevent Abuse
A Healing Bibliography
SDA Church and Abuse
Add'l Great Resources

My name is Cheryl and I am one of the editors of this site.  I started C.E.A.S.E as a tool for my own healing. I am a survivor of sexual abuse which was perpetrated by a Seventh-day Adventist academy religion teacher/school pastor. This charismatic minister used the Bible to manipulate and control me sexually for more than 10 years. When my husband and I recently began the process of confronting my abuser and having this ordained minister fired from his ministerial position, we discovered the unfortunate reality that my story was not unique within the Seventh-day Adventist denomination.

It is our hope that C.E.A.S.E. will be a means to connect primary and secondary victims/survivors of abuse perpetrated by employees and volunteers of the S.D.A. denomination; to give us all a voice and help us protect others.

There are many organizations which are effectively working in this field.  Advocate Web (AdvocateWeb.org) provides avenues for these organizations to reach victims/survivors.  C.E.A.S.E. is a strong supporter of AdvocateWeb which is a non-profit organization and we encourage you to support Advocate Web.  Additionally, we welcome your contribution of resources, suggestions, needs, questions etc. for this website and encourage you to help us reach more victims/survivors and church administrators by suggesting links for C.E.A.S.E.
